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'; document.write(html_code); countdown(year, month, day, hour, minute, format); } function countdown(year, month, day, hour, minute, format) { Today = new Date(); Todays_Year = Today.getFullYear() - 2000; Todays_Month = Today.getMonth() + 1; //Convert both today's date and the target date into miliseconds. Todays_Date = (new Date(Todays_Year, Todays_Month, Today.getDate(), Today.getHours(), Today.getMinutes(), Today.getSeconds())).getTime(); Target_Date = (new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, 00)).getTime(); //Find their difference, and convert that into seconds. Time_Left = Math.round((Target_Date - Todays_Date) / 1000); if(Time_Left < 0) Time_Left = 0; switch(format) { case 0: //The simplest way to display the time left. document.all.countdown.innerHTML = Time_Left + ' seconds'; break; case 1: //More datailed. days = Math.floor(Time_Left / (60 * 60 * 24)); Time_Left %= (60 * 60 * 24); hours = Math.floor(Time_Left / (60 * 60)); Time_Left %= (60 * 60); minutes = Math.floor(Time_Left / 60); Time_Left %= 60; seconds = Time_Left; dps = 's'; hps = 's'; mps = 's'; sps = 's'; //ps is short for plural suffix. if(days == 1) dps =''; if(hours == 1) hps =''; if(minutes == 1) mps =''; if(seconds == 1) sps =''; document.all.countdown.innerHTML = days + ' day' + dps + ' '; document.all.countdown.innerHTML += hours + ' hour' + hps + ' '; document.all.countdown.innerHTML += minutes + ' minute' + mps + ' and '; document.all.countdown.innerHTML += seconds + ' second' + sps; break; default: document.all.countdown.innerHTML = Time_Left + ' seconds'; } //Recursive call, keeps the clock ticking. setTimeout('countdown(' + year + ',' + month + ',' + day + ',' + hour + ',' + minute + ',' + format + ');', 1000); } function clearText(thefield) { if (thefield.defaultValue==thefield.value) thefield.value = "" } function validateEmail(email) { if(!email.match(/^([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)@((?:[\w-]+\.)*\w[\w-]{0,66})\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)$/)) {alert("Error: this is NOT a valid Email Address.")} } function validatePNumber(phonenumber) { if(!phonenumber.match(/^[ ]*[(]{0,1}[ ]*[0-9]{3,3}[ ]*[)]{0,1}[-]{0,1}[ ]*[0-9]{3,3}[ ]*[-]{0,1}[ ]*[0-9]{4,4}[ ]*$/)) {alert("Error: this is NOT a valid Phone Number.")} } function validateForm(form) { var fixThis = ""; if (form.fullname.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "FULL NAME MISSING! Please enter in your Full Name.\n" } if (form.nickname.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "USERNAME MISSING! Please enter in your Usnername.\n" } if (form.address_line1.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "ADDRESS MISSING! Please fill in your Address.\n"; } if ( == 0) { fixThis += "CITY MISSING! Please fill in your City.\n"; } if (form.state.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "STATE MISSING! Please fill in your State.\n"; } if (form.zipcode.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "ZIP CODE MISSING! Please fill in your Zip Code.\n"; } if ( == 0) { fixThis += "COUNTRY MISSING! Please fill in your Country.\n"; } if ( == 0) { fixThis += "PHONE NUMBER MISSING! Please fill in your Phone Number.\n"; } if (form.useremail.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "EMAIL MISSING! Please enter in your Email Address.\n" } if (form.publisher.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "PUBLISHING NAMR MISSING! Please fill in your Publishing Name.\n"; } if (form.userpassword.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "PASSWORD MISSING! Please enter in your Password.\n" } else if (form.userpassword.value.length < 5) { fixThis += "PASSWORD TO SHORT! Five or more chararacters/number.\n" } if (form.userpassword2.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "RE-TYPE PASSWORD MISSING! Please enter in your RE-TYPR Password.\n" } else if (form.userpassword2.value.length < 5) { fixThis += "RE-TYPE PASSWORD TO SHORT! Five or more chararacters/number.\n" } if (form.userpassword.value != form.userpassword2.value) { fixThis += "PASSWORDS DON'T MATCH! Please RE-enter Passwords.\n" } if (fixThis != "") { alert(fixThis); return false; } else { return true; } } function validateForm2(form) { var fixThis = ""; if (form.nickname.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "USERNAME MISSING! Please enter in your Username.\n"; } if (form.userpassword.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "PASSWORD MISSING! Please enter in your Password.\n"; } if (fixThis != "") { alert(fixThis); return false; } else { return true; } } function validateForm3(form) { var fixThis = ""; if (form.address_line1.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "ADDRESS MISSING! Please fill in your address.\n"; } if ( == 0) { fixThis += "CITY MISSING! Please fill in your city.\n"; } if (form.state.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "STATE MISSING! Please fill in your state.\n"; } if (form.zipcode.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "ZIP CODE MISSING! Please fill in your zip.\n"; } if (form.publisher.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "PUBLISHER NAME MISSING! Please fill in your publisher name.\n"; } if ( == "pick") { fixThis += "COUNTRY MISSING! Please pick your country.\n"; } if ( == 0) { fixThis += "PHONE NUMBER MISSING! Please fill in your phone number.\n"; } if (form.userpassword.value.length == 0) { } else if (form.userpassword.value.length < 5) { fixThis += "NEW PASSWORD TO SHORT! Five or more chararacters/number.\n"; } if (form.userpassword2.value.length == 0) { } else if (form.userpassword2.value.length < 5) { fixThis += "NEW RE-TYPE PASSWORD TO SHORT! Five or more chararacters/number.\n"; } if (form.userpassword.value != form.userpassword2.value) { fixThis += "NEW PASSWORDS DON'T MATCH! Please re-enter Passwords.\n"; } if (fixThis != "") { alert(fixThis); return false; } else { return true; } } function validateForm4(form) { var fixThis = ""; if (form.fullname.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "FULLNAME MISSING! Please enter in Users Fullname.\n" } if (form.nickname.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "NICKNAME MISSING! Please enter in Users Nickname.\n"; } if (form.useremail.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "EMAIL MISSING! Please enter in Users Email Address.\n" } if (form.userpassword.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "PASSWORD MISSING! Please enter in Users Password.\n" } else if (form.userpassword.value.length < 5) { fixThis += "PASSWORD TO SHORT! Five or more chararacters/number.\n" } if (form.userpassword2.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "RE-TYPE PASSWORD MISSING! Please enter in Users Re-Type Password.\n" } else if (form.userpassword2.value.length < 5) { fixThis += "RE-TYPE PASSWORD TO SHORT! Five or more chararacters/number.\n" } if (form.userpassword.value != form.userpassword2.value) { fixThis += "NEW PASSWORDS DON'T MATCH! Please re-enter Passwords.\n" } if (fixThis != "") { alert(fixThis); return false; } else { return true; } } function validateSubmitForm(form) { var fixThis = ""; if (form.submit_checkbox.checked == false) { fixThis += "PLEASE READ OVER THE SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS,\n THEN CHECK THE CHECKBOX!\n"; } if (fixThis != "") { alert(fixThis); return false; } else { return true; } } function CheckUpload(form) { var fixThis = ""; if (form.file.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "WE NEED A FILE TO UPLOAD\n"; } if (form.description.value.length == 0) { fixThis += "PLEASE PROVIDE AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF THIS UPLOAD\n"; } if (fixThis != "") { alert(fixThis); return false; } else { return true; } } function validateSubmitFormDTGImages(form) { var fixThis = ""; if (form.image_name.value == "name of your image") { fixThis += "Please name your image. Thanks!\n"; } if (fixThis != "") { alert(fixThis); return false; } else { return true; } } function CheckOrder(form) { var fixThis = "", val = -1; //alert("AAAA"); // for( i = 0; i < maths.page_edit_sub.length; i++ ) // { // if( maths.page_edit_sub[i].checked == true ) val = maths.page_edit_sub[i].value; // } //if (maths.page_edit_sub.value == 0) val = 1; //alert("BBBB"); //if (maths.page_edit_sub.value == "0") val = 1; //alert("CCCC"); //if (maths.page_edit_sub.value == "1") val = 1; //alert("DDDD"); //if (maths.page_edit_sub[0].checked == true) val = 1; //alert("EEEE"); //if (maths.page_edit_sub[1].checked == true) val = 1; //alert("maths.order_name.value = "+maths.order_name.value); //if (maths.reorder.value==1 && val==-1) { fixThis += "MUST pick YES or NO to Page Substitutions!\n" } if (maths.order_name.value == "name of comic" || maths.order_name.value == "name of art board" || maths.order_name.value == "name of mini-poster" || maths.order_name.value == "name of flyer" || maths.order_name.value == "name of mouse pad" || maths.order_name.value == "name of t-shirt" || maths.order_name.value == "name of card" || maths.order_name.value == "name of trade" || maths.order_name.value == "name of bookmark") { fixThis += "Please name this order/product. Thanks!\n" } if (fixThis != "") { alert(fixThis); return false; } else { return true; } } function CheckNewIPListing(form) { // alert("AAA"); var fixThis = ""; var comic_page0 = document.new_listing.elements["comic_page[]"]; if (form.title.value == "") { fixThis += "TITLE MISSING! Please enter the Title Name.\n" } if (form.publisher.value == "") { fixThis += "PUBLISHER NAME MISSING! Please enter the Publishers Name.\n" } if (form.ip_include.value == 0 && form.cm_include.value == 0 ) { fixThis += "MUST BE INCLUDED IN: IndyPlanet And/Or ComicsMonkey.\n" } if (form.creators.value == "") { fixThis += "CREATORS INFO MISSING! Please enter in the creator info.\n" } if (form.copyright.value == "") { fixThis += "COPYRIGHT INFO MISSING! Please enter in the copyright info.\n" } if (form.overview.value == "") { fixThis += "SERIES OVERVIEW INFO MISSING! Please enter in the series overview info.\n" } if (form.summary.value == "") { fixThis += "SERIES SUMMARY INFO MISSING! Please enter in the series summary info.\n" } // if (comic_page0[0].value == "") { fixThis += "FILE INFO MISSING! Please include page file info.\n" } if (form.paypal.value == "") { fixThis += "PAYPAL INFO MISSING! Please enter in your paypal info.\n" } if (fixThis != "") { alert(fixThis); return false; } else { return true; } } function CheckCMPriceing1() { with(document.new_listing) { var new_recommend_cost = 0, profit = 0, price_change = 0; if ( (cm_price.value * 1) < (cm_recommend_cost.value * 1) ) { cm_price.value = to_currency(cm_recommend_cost.value,""); price_change = 1; profit = to_currency((cm_recommend_cost.value * 0.10),""); } // if ( (cm_price.value * 1) > (cm_recommend_cost.value * 1) ) if (1 == 2) { new_recommend_cost = Math.round(cm_price.value - 0.01); if ( (cm_price.value * 1) >= (new_recommend_cost * 1) ) { new_recommend_cost = new_recommend_cost + .50; } else { new_recommend_cost = new_recommend_cost - 0.01; } cm_price.value = to_currency(new_recommend_cost,""); price_change = 1; profit = to_currency((new_recommend_cost * 0.10),""); } // if (price_change != 0) { alert("Your price point at ComicsMonkey must be least 150% of your printing cost at Ka-Blam.\n For uniformity's sake -- and to avoid oddball price points -- we round up to the next $0.50 or $0.99 mark. For example, if you selected $3.29 as your price point, we will round that up to $3.50. Of if you selected $3.77 we would round that up to $3.99.\n Price change made.\n New price is $"+cm_price.value+"\nNew Profit is $"+profit); } if (price_change != 0) { alert("Your price point at ComicsMonkey must be least 150% of your printing cost at Ka-Blam.\n Price change made.\n New price is $"+cm_price.value+"\nNew Profit is $"+profit); } } } function CheckCMPriceing() { with(document.copy_over_cm) { var new_recommend_cost = 0, profit = 0, price_change = 0; if ( (price.value * 1) < (cm_recommend_cost.value * 1) ) { price.value = to_currency(cm_recommend_cost.value,""); price_change = 1; profit = to_currency((cm_recommend_cost.value * 0.10),""); } if ( (price.value * 1) > (cm_recommend_cost.value * 1) ) { new_recommend_cost = Math.round(price.value - 0.01); if ( (price.value * 1) >= (new_recommend_cost * 1) ) { new_recommend_cost = new_recommend_cost + .50; } else { new_recommend_cost = new_recommend_cost - 0.01; } price.value = to_currency(new_recommend_cost,""); price_change = 1; profit = to_currency((new_recommend_cost * 0.10),""); } if (price_change != 0) { alert("Your price point at ComicsMonkey must be least 150% of your printing cost at Ka-Blam.\n For uniformity's sake -- and to avoid oddball price points -- we round up to the next $0.50 or $0.99 mark. For example, if you selected $3.29 as your price point, we will round that up to $3.50. Of if you selected $3.77 we would round that up to $3.99.\n Price change made.\n New price is $"+price.value+"\nNew Profit is $"+profit); return false; } else { return true; } } } function CheckIPPriceing1() { with(document.new_listing) { alert("ip_price.value="+ip_price.value+" | printing_cost.value="+printing_cost.value); var new_recommend_cost = 0, price_change = 0; if ( (ip_price.value * 1) < (printing_cost.value * 1) ) { ip_price.value = to_currency(printing_cost.value,""); price_change = 1; } if (price_change != 0) { alert("Your price point at IndyPlanet must be at lease or greater than your printing cost at Ka-Blam.\n Price change made.\n New price is $"+ip_price.value); } } } function CheckIPPriceing() { with(document.copy_over_ip) { var new_recommend_cost = 0, price_change = 0; if ( (price.value * 1) < (printing_cost.value * 1) ) { price.value = to_currency(printing_cost.value,""); price_change = 1; } if (price_change != 0) { alert("Your price point at IndyPlanet must be at lease or greater than your printing cost at Ka-Blam.\n Price change made.\n New price is $"+price.value); return false; } else { return true; } } } function CheckIPCMPriceing() { alert("ONE"); with(document.changes) { var new_recommend_cost = 0, profit = 0, price_change = 0; if ( (products_price.value * 1) < (cm_recommend_cost.value * 1) ) { products_price.value = to_currency(cm_recommend_cost.value,""); price_change = 1; profit = to_currency((cm_recommend_cost.value * 0.10),""); } if ( (price.value * 1) > (cm_recommend_cost.value * 1) ) { new_recommend_cost = Math.round(price.value - 0.01); if ( products_price.value >= new_recommend_cost ) { new_recommend_cost = new_recommend_cost + .50; } else { new_recommend_cost = new_recommend_cost - 0.01; } products_price.value = to_currency(new_recommend_cost,""); price_change = 1; profit = to_currency((new_recommend_cost * 0.10),""); } if (price_change != 0) { alert("Your price point at ComicsMonkey must be least 150% of your printing cost at Ka-Blam.\n For uniformity's sake -- and to avoid oddball price points -- we round up to the next $0.50 or $0.99 mark. For example, if you selected $3.29 as your price point, we will round that up to $3.50. Of if you selected $3.77 we would round that up to $3.99.\n Price change made.\n New price is $"+products_price.value+"\nNew Profit is $"+profit); return false; } else { return true; } price_change = 0; if ( (cm_products_price.value * 1) < (printing_cost.value * 1) ) { cm_products_price.value = to_currency(printing_cost.value,""); price_change = 1; } if (price_change != 0) { alert("Your price point at IndyPlanet must be at least the printing cost at Ka-Blam.\n Price change made.\n New price is $"+cm_products_price.value); return false; } else { return true; } } } function calculate() { with(document.maths) { var kablam_ad_discount, width, dpi, price_increase = 10; if (kablam_ad.value == 0) { kablam_ad_discount=0; } // Back Cover else if (kablam_ad.value == 1) { kablam_ad_discount=.25; } // Inside Back Cover else if (kablam_ad.value == 2) { kablam_ad_discount=.25; } // Interior Page else if (kablam_ad.value == 3) { kablam_ad_discount=.60; } // No Ad if (min_quantity.value == 1 && amnt_copies.value < 1 ) { amnt_copies.value = 1; 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per_copy_cost = per_copy_cost + (per_copy_cost * (price_increase / 100)); // 3/23/22 per_copy_cost = formatCurrency(per_copy_cost); var subtotal_cost = per_copy_cost * amnt_copies.value; var subtotal_cost_discount = subtotal_cost; var total_cost = subtotal_cost_discount; } else if (order_type.value == 70 || order_type.value == 71) // T-Shirts { var shirt_size_addition = 2; //( Shirts_XXL_Plus_Price.value * 1 ); // extra cost for XXL + sizes var cost_per_print = cost_per_shirt + cost_pre_images; amount_per.value = cost_per_print; //alert(Shirts_XXL_Plus_Price.value); //alert("order_type="+order_type.value+"\n cost_per_shirt="+cost_per_shirt+"\n cover_type="+cover_type.value+"\n cost_pre_images="+cost_pre_images+"\n shirt_size_addition="+shirt_size_addition+"\n cost_per_print="+cost_per_print+"\n amount_per="+amount_per.value+"\n attribute1="+attribute1.value+"\n attribute2="+attribute2.value+"\n attribute3="+attribute3.value+"\n attribute4="+attribute4.value+"\n attribute5="+attribute5.value+"\n attribute6="+attribute6.value+"\n attribute7="+attribute7.value); 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var subtotal_cost_discount = subtotal_cost - (subtotal_cost * ((discount.value * 1) * .01)); var total_cost = subtotal_cost_discount + (setup_fee.value * 1); var per_copy_cost = cost_per_print; } // Trade paperbacks else if (order_type.value == 36 || order_type.value == 37 || order_type.value == 38 || order_type.value == 39 || order_type.value == 50 || order_type.value == 51 || order_type.value == 52 || order_type.value == 53 || order_type.value == 54 || order_type.value == 55 || order_type.value == 56 || order_type.value == 57) { if (reorder.value == 0 && page_count.value < 24) { page_count.value=24; } else if (reorder.value == 0 && page_count.value > 700) { page_count.value=700; } if (page_count.value%2 != 0) { page_count.value++; } var pc = page_count.value; if (page_count.value%4 != 0) { pc++; pc++; } var per_copy_cost = ((((cost_per_page * pc) + cover_cost) + kablam_ad_discount) + binding + added_cost); per_copy_cost = per_copy_cost + (per_copy_cost * (price_increase / 100)); // 3/23/22 per_copy_cost = formatCurrency(per_copy_cost); var subtotal_cost = per_copy_cost * amnt_copies.value; var subtotal_cost_discount = subtotal_cost - (subtotal_cost * ((discount.value * 1) * .01)); var total_cost = subtotal_cost_discount + (setup_fee.value * 1); //Trade Paperback Spine Width Calucator if (order_type.value == 36 || order_type.value == 37 || order_type.value == 50 || order_type.value == 51 || order_type.value == 54 || order_type.value == 55) { width=Math.round((page_count.value*0.00189655)*100)/100; } else { width=Math.round((page_count.value*0.0042222)*100)/100; } width +=0.02; dpi=Math.round((width*300)*100)/100; spine_width.value = width + " Inches\n" + dpi + " Pixels @ 300 DPI"; } // Hardback else if (order_type.value == 120 || order_type.value == 121 || order_type.value == 122 || order_type.value == 123 || order_type.value == 124 || order_type.value == 125 || order_type.value == 126 || order_type.value == 127 || order_type.value == 128 || order_type.value == 129 || order_type.value == 130 || order_type.value == 131) { if (page_count.value < 66) { page_count.value=66; 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